New Mexico Gas Company COVID-19 Relief for Small Business Customers
Updated December 23, 2021
Qualified accounts will be eligible for a one-time credit of 0.50 cents for every dollar paid, up to $250, not to exceed the total balance on the account on a first come first served basis.
Applications will be accepted through March 31, 2022 or until all funds have been allocated, whichever comes first.
Program Requirements – To qualify, a small business must be:
- Registered with the New Mexico Secretary of State.
- An active non-residential, Small Volume Rate 54 customer. Please refer to page 2 of your NMGC bill.
- A NM, locally-owned business with 50 or fewer employees.
- Experiencing financial hardships due to COVID-19, with an account at least 30 days in arrears.
- Able to pay at least 15% of the past due balance and agree to enter into a payment arrangement for the remaining past due balance.