Food Assistance in Grant County
Note that all times listed below are subject to change. Contact the food pantry for current schedules.
The Commons Grant County Food Pantry at The Commons: 501 East 13th Street +Zip codes 88061, 88065, 88022, 88053 ONLY, choose ONE: First Saturday from 10ānoon OR Last Wednesday from 4ā6pm. For information please call 575-388-2988
The Commons Mining District Mobile Pantry at Bataan Park for zip codes 88023, 88026, 88041, 88043 ONLY: Third Tuesday from 12ā2pm. For information please call 575-388-2988
The Commons Gila Mobile Pantry at Cliff Fairgrounds for Buckhorn, Cliff, Gila, and Redrock residents ONLY: Third Tuesday 12ā2:00pm. For information please call 575-388-2988
Mimbres Valley Health Action League Mobile Food Pantry at Roundup Lodge, 94 Acklin Hill Rd, Mimbres. 3rd Wednesday of the month, 11am to 2pm. Call 575-574-7674 for more information.
Gospel Mission Food Pantry at 111 South Texas Street,, call 575-388-5071 for more info. Free Breakfast MāF from 8:30ā10am, Free Lunch MondayāFriday, 12ā1pm, Free Emergency Food Bags MWF 9am-1pm. Free Wed Morning Market drive-thru 8:30-9:30.
St. Francis Newman Center at 914 W. 13th Street in Silver City, 575-388-4933. Food pantry every Monday at 4pm. Call to schedule appointments for help with bills, rent, bus passes, and prescription drugs.
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church at 414 N Bayard Street in Silver City, 575-538-9373, The food pantry is open Mon-Thurs 9 am-11:30 am and 1 pm-4 pm. They take applications to help with utilities on Tuesdays from 1 pm-2 pm.
WMNU One Stop, Juan Chacon Building (Room 267), 8-5 M-F. 575-538-6400. A wellness center for students, offering food pantry items and when available, cleaning supplies, kitchenware, blankets, and toiletries.
Christian Challenge: Corner of College Ave and B St. Silver City. Lunch for $1 or free to WNMU students with no money every Wednesday from 12pm-1pm during the school year.
HMS Senior Services, 575-597-2967. Meals and transportation are provided to senior citizens 60 years of age or older. An HMS staff member will return your call to schedule an assessment. Depending on availability, applicants may be placed on a waiting list.
Senior Citizens (55+) Mobile Food Pantry 3rd Wednesday of each month at LDS Church, 3755 N Swan St (next to PNM), 575-388-5071: Must prove residence in Grant County. Start signing up by 9:30am Wednesday, pickup between 10am-12:30pm. Gospel Mission service.
Commodity Supplemental Food Program for Seniors. NM HSD partners with community organizations throughout the state to provide nutritious food to supplement the diet of Seniors who may be at risk for malnutrition. Currently, there are 5 regional centers and 122 tailgate sites located throughout the state who distribute a monthly box of food to eligible persons 60 years and older. Apply through the YESNM portal.
Silver City Senior Center: 205 W. Victoria St Silver City. 575-388-2545. Lunch Grab ‘n Go Monday through Friday from 12:00-12:30pm for free, donation if desired. Registration required. To reserve a meal, call 575-597-2967 before 9am M-F, and ask for Cassandra. Meals on Wheels program available for homebound Seniors; call 575-388-2545 to sign up.
S.P.I.N.- Supporting People In Need. Seasonal Overnight Shelter. Opens at 5pm for dinner daily. Men, Women, and Children, deliveries of commodities, medicine, other essentials to homebound individuals. 601 N. Gold St in the cul de sac at 7th St and Gold, 575-594-1128.