Local Vaccination Sites and Times
Pharmacies in Silver City
- Albertsons Pharmacy, 1956 US-180 E, Silver City. Hours: M-F 8am – 8pm, Sat-Sun 10am – 5pm
- Appointment required
- Register online first at the link below
- Walgreens Pharmacy, 100 Rosedale Rd, Silver City. Hours: M-F 9am – 9pm, Saturday 9am – 6pm, Sunday 10am – 6pm. Pharmacy closed 1:30 – 2pm for meal break.
- Same day and walk-in appointments available
- To schedule an appointment by phone, call your local pharmacy (575-388-3113 or 1-800-WALGREENS)
- To schedule online, visit this website: https://www.walgreens.com/topic/findcare/coronavirus.jsp?ban=dl_dlDLB_03292020_covid19
- CVS Pharmacy, 610 Silver Heights Blvd, Silver City. Hours: M-F 8am – 8pm, Saturday 9am – 6pm, Sunday 10am – 6pm
- Walk-in vaccinations available within pharmacy hours
- Scheduling of vaccinations also available
- WalMart Pharmacy, 2501 US-180, Silver City. Hours: Open until 8pm
- Appointment required. Visit this website: https://www.walmart.com/account/login?returnUrl=%2Fpharmacy%2Fclinical-services%2Fimmunization%2Fscheduled%3Fimztype%3Dcovid%26emailMe%3Dfalse
- Silver Health Care, 1600 E. 32nd Street, Silver City, NM 88061, (575) 538-2981. Must register with NMDOH https://goodtimes.vaccinenm.org/stay-ahead-nm/, and schedule for Thursday morning vaccination.
Hidalgo Medical Services
- Grant County COVID-19 Community Clinic
- Register for an appointment at vaccinenm.org
- 9:00 – 11:30 am and 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm M-F
- Hidalgo County COVID-19 Community Clinic
- Address: 109 Poplar Street Lordsburg, NM 88045
- Register for an appointment at vaccinenm.org
- 9:00 – 11:30 am and 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm M-F
For more information, visit Hidalgo Medical Services website at hms-nm.org